Shiny Pearls vs. Matte Pearls, What Are the Differences?

Art Nacre Inc - Shiny Pearls vs. Matte Pearls, What Are the Differences
Art Nacre Inc – Shiny Pearls vs. Matte Pearls, What Are the Differences

After the read of this Shiny Pearls vs. Matte Pearls article, you will know what are the differences between shiny pearls and matte pearls.

How the pearls are formed?

A Pearl is an ancient organic gemstone, mainly produced in the nacreous shellfish and mother-of-pearl mollusks, and the mineral beads containing calcium carbonate are generated due to the endocrine action of a large number of tiny aragonite crystals assembled.

The meaning of a shiny pearl

Art Nacre Inc - Shiny Pearls vs. Matte Pearls, What is Shiny Mother-of-Pearl
Art Nacre Inc – Shiny Pearls vs. Matte Pearls, What is Shiny Mother-of-Pearl

Pearls are considered to be quite rich in color and have a unique pearlescence. The color of the pearl is the body color of the pearl, and the pearl’s luster is its accompanying color and halo, which is stronger and is called pearl luster.

Tahitian pearls, for example, have a strong halo that affects their value. Then good quality pearl color is soft. The luster of pearls is divided into mirror light, very strong light, strong light, and soft light. Like Japan’s AKOYA pearls, known as commonly known as the small bulb, is also famous for strong pearl light.

The meaning of a matte pearl

Art Nacre Inc - Shiny Pearls vs. Matte Pearls, What is Matte Mother-of-Pearl
Art Nacre Inc – Shiny Pearls vs. Matte Pearls, What is Matte Mother-of-Pearl

A matte pearl, because the pearl itself’s nacreous density is very low, like osteoporosis, loose, easy to fall off, so that the pearl has no pearl light, accompanied by color, can be said. Another is that the pearl layer is too thin so that it can not penetrate the bright light.

What affects the pearl luster?

The importance of pearl luster and the factors affecting it are as the below.

The pearl luster is the soul of the pearl. A pearl with no or little luster lacks an aura. Look at the light, the pearl should be placed flat on a soft white cloth, you can see the pearl overflow of the warm luster; the good pearl, the light, the good pearl, the good pearl, the good pearl, the good pearl, the good pearl, the good pearl.

Facing the light, a good pearl can be seen to emit colorful iridescence, rich and varied levels, you can also see such as the metallic texture of the sphere, and can even reflect the human pupil, especially bright can be included in the A level, a little less for the B level.

The thickness of the pearl layer is the most important factor affecting the luster of the pearl, pearl layer thickness of 0.5 or more is a very good luster, 0.35-0.5 is general, 0.3 or less is of course the luster of the poor.

According to incomplete statistics, China’s saltwater pearls have, a pearl layer thickness of about 0.2-0.3mm; Japan’s Akoya pearls, have about 0.4-0.6mm; Tahitian pearl layer thickness of about 0.8mm or more; and the South Sea pearls are optimal, the pearl layer thickness of basically more than 1.2mm.

Shiny pearls vs. matte pearls, what are the differences between them?

1. Shiny pearls vs. matte pearls’ gloss

The pearl glossy surface is glossy, very beautiful, and slightly wear-resistant, The pearl matte surface is not scratch-resistant, the surface is easy to have scratches, and serious coating will also appear off.

2. Shiny pearls vs. matte pearls’ feeling to people

The difference between matte and glossy is that their reflectivity is not the same.

Matte: the surface reflectivity is low, the light is fuzzy and inconspicuous, the light is emitted to all aspects of the surroundings, and the light is soft.

Bright/shiny: the surface reflection effect is good, with high reflectivity, and light is clear and bright, such as a mirror.

Matte is a kind of frosted feeling, dull and with no light, while the bright light in the light with reflection, is more bright.

3. Shiny pearls vs. matte pearls’ variety class

Shiny pearl varieties are relatively single, while matte pearl varieties are relatively rich.

4. Shiny pearls vs. matte pearls’ overall environment matching

Pearl white matte can avoid light pollution, maintenance is more convenient, suitable for matching a variety of interior styles. And bright for the overall environment with higher requirements, too bright or too dark will affect the overall effect.

Precautions when buying pearls

How do you see the quality of pearls? We should start from the whole, that is, we should look at the wholeness that:

1. The first thing to look at is this pearl light

2. The second thing to look at is the color

3. Then look at the quality of the skin

4. and finally look at the shape of the pearl.

In summary:

Brightness is crucial for pearls, brightness determines everything, followed by the pearl’s luster accompanied by color.

Color is also a very important point, luster color must be good! Skin quality and roundness can be placed in the back to consider if it can also achieve a high quality that is of course better.

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